Department of Geography - University of Zadar

Misija i vizija Naš tim Projekti Ovlaštenja
Krajobrazna arhitektura Stručni poslovi zaštite okoliša Bioraznolikost - georaznolikost - krajobrazna raznolikost Održivo gospodarenje otpadom i sanacija okoliša Prilagodba klimatskim promjenama Zeleni certifikati i edukacija

Remote Sensing


Classes from Remote Sensing course are carried out at the first year of Graduate university single-major geography study, at the module of Geographic modelling of space. Content of the course includes gaining theoretical and practical knowledge of remote sensing process. Training of students is performed in order to allow them to use geospatial technology independently and to collect and analyse data; develop the ability of valid understanding and critical evaluation of works in which the problematics of remote sensing is presented. Students independently master

an entire process of the analysis of multispectral satellite recordings, aerophotogrammetry process and CRP. In the practical part of the course (exercises), student learn and train for the following activities: downloading of available satellite recordings, considering the goal of the research, improve spatial resolution of multispectral recordings by applying appropriate tools, comparing models of land-cover performed by applying different supervised and unsupervised classification algorithms, perform different vegetation indices based on multispectral recordings, prepare and create different recording plans (single, double, circular mission) in the process of aerophotogrammetry, orientate recordings and generate DMP, DOF, 3D model and dense point cloud, create local coordinate system and markers for performing the process of close-range photogrammetry of the selected object, perform calibration of non-metric cameras by applying different software, determine the quality of collected recordings, perform 3D models from video, and finally, present generated model by using different visualisation techniques