Croatian Science Foundation was established by the Croatian Parliament in December 2001 under the name The National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Croatia. Its mission is to promote science, higher education and technological development in Croatia in order to ensure the development of economy and to support employment.
The Foundation provides support to scientific, higher education and technological programmes and projects, fosters international cooperation, and helps the realization of scientific programmes of special interest in the field of fundamental, applied and developmental research.
GAL is financed and establish trough Installation Research Projects UIP-2017-05-2694.
Prehnit Ltd has been since 2009 providing consulting services in the field of planning, design, implementation and maintenance of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), as well as education for the use of GIS technologies. Our multidisciplinary team consists of geoinformatic experts with ESRI certifications, software developers, and specialists of natural and technical sciences ready to respond to any challenge, regardless of complexity, demandingness or geographic location of the project. GIS consultants and specialists provide professional GIS support in a variety of geoinformatic services, and a team of software developers develops WebGIS systems and its own applications, while also providing support in developing and maintaining client applications. Cooperation with scientific institutions and professional associations is extremely important to us. We have work experience in environmental and nature protection, civil protection, search and rescue services, transport and infrastructure, agriculture and forestry, tourism, telecommunications, geology, geography and archaeology, as well as in working with local governments, utility companies, geodetic services and cadastre.

The Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences operates as part of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek and is one of its oldest members. On October 18, 2010, it celebrated its 50th anniversary. In addition to providing education at the undergraduate, graduate, professional, and postgraduate levels, the fundamental activity of the Faculty is scientific research, primarily in the biotechnical field of agronomy. The academic staff of the Faculty are tasked with educating students by gradually introducing them to the world of basic knowledge about plants, animals, and cultivation technologies, enabling them to independently manage the agricultural production process whose ultimate goal is to produce food for the human community. In this complex educational process, teachers utilize their own knowledge from scientific and professional work, enriching and modernizing student education. Alongside teaching, assistants, professors, and professional collaborators conduct scientific research in biology, chemistry, nutrition and protection, plant and animal genetics, mechanization, and economics in crop and livestock production. All of this is aimed at improving the quality and quantity of food production, minimizing production costs, and preserving nature, the environment, and human health.

Since the academic year 2005/2006, the Faculty has organized and implemented university and professional studies based on the Bologna Declaration. The Faculty offers three university undergraduate programs, two university graduate programs, a doctoral program, as well as two professional undergraduate and graduate programs in the field of civil engineering. Since 2015, the Faculty has been equipped with valuable laboratory equipment obtained through the project "Development of Research Infrastructure at the University of Rijeka Campus," financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports of the Republic of Croatia. This has fully equipped all the Faculty laboratories, creating conditions for further development of teaching, scientific, and professional activities. Over the past five years, there has been a noticeable increase in scientific papers published in journals indexed in WoS Core Collection, as well as the number of citations from the same database, ensuring recognition within the domestic and international scientific community. There is an increasing number of scientific projects funded by competitive domestic and international sources, and faculty members are pursuing further education and training at domestic and international scientific institutions. Faculty staff and students are increasingly involved in mobility programs such as ERASMUS+ and CEEPUS. The engagement of faculty employees in professional and scientific-professional projects ensures continuous monitoring of the state of the profession, while the scientific and professional knowledge developed at the Faculty is put into service for the development of the community in which the Faculty operates. Faculty staff are very active in various professional bodies and associations, where their expertise contributes to the development of the construction profession in the Republic of Croatia, and their participation in various other bodies ensures the visibility and recognition of the Faculty in the wider community.
The Croatian Forest Research Institute is a public scientific institution owned by the Republic of Croatia. The goals and tasks of the research are part of the National Program of Scientific Research of the Republic of Croatia and the Development Program of “Croatian forests” Ltd, Zagreb. The basic goals are the preservation and protection of stability, productivity, biodiversity and genetic resources of forest ecosystems of the Republic of Croatia using natural regeneration and the achieved level of sustainable management. The performance of research and services at the Institute is organized in six scientific divisions, a nursery production, a department for laboratory testing, three regional research centers and a joint service, with a total of about 85 employees. Within the national framework, the Croatian Forest Research Institute closely cooperates with the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia and “Croatian forests” Ltd, Zagreb. As part of international cooperation, the Institute’s researchers participate in a number of international research projects and programs with numerous foreign institutions such as EFI, FAO, IUFRO, etc., as well as recently in the FP7 framework. The strength of the institute with highly professional and scientific staff as well as a long tradition of scientific research in the field of forestry is represented by a large number of young researchers who actively participate in domestic and international scientific trends and thus contribute to further development of forestry science in the country and beyond.
The company Teodolit performs surveying services for which it possesses all the necessary authorizations obtained from the State Geodetic Administration. Teodolit offers a range of services including cadastral surveying (preparation of cadastral surveys, preparation of documents for land registration, production of various types of surveying documents, creation of special surveying bases), engineering surveying (staking out of buildings, monitoring of structural displacements, surveying supervision, monitoring of all types of engineering surveying works), bathymetric surveying (bathymetric measurements of seas, rivers, and lakes), and photogrammetric measurements (organization of aerial photogrammetric surveys, production of photogrammetric situations, creation of digital orthophotos, terrestrial photogrammetry). The equipment available to this surveying company includes a digital photogrammetric station, PhotoModeler 4.4, GPS devices (Ashtech Promark 500, Stonex GPS RTK S 9, Thales Z Max), total stations (Nikon NPL 362), and an Echosounder ELAC Hydrostar 4300.