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Poljoprivreda Current Research

The emphasis will be on the use of modern geospatial technology for optimizing agricultural production by presenting a case study. The basic postulate for precise agriculture is that a large number of GIS data, satellite images, and the information generated by them should be available to end users for decision-making. The concept of precise agricultural production is based on the assumption that productivity can be increased, while reducing production costs and negative influences on the environment and the task will be carried out through processing a case study.



The question of scale or resolution is a fundamental problem of applied research. Performance of one process at one scale does not imply the same performance at another scale.

The aim of Multiresolution Landscape Modelling research is to explore the possibilities of geospatial technologies at different scales and to highlight its importance in the study of landscape at the 3 levels of scale: a) macro level (island of Pag): detection of landscape elements and classification, both for 19th and 21st century, identification of specific landscape elements (olives), MCDA GIS analysis of land suitability for olive production, b) meso level (Lun olive grove – nature park): olive grove morphometry analysis, calculation of different indices (e.g. NDVI), landscape analysis through special measures (olives) and c) micro level (individual olive tree): detailed olive morphometry, calculation of indices (health indices, biomass, fertility estimation, age determination of olive trees).

Another important viewpoint is focused on temporal resolution of research: investigating changes in 19-21 century (macro level) and in 2 year intrerval (meso and micro level). Landscape changes reflect the dynamic interaction of society and nature throughout history. This research will identify changes in landscape created a) from a period of Austro-Hungarian administration up to now (A-U cadastre) (macro level) and b) within PhD project duration (cyclic scanning / every 2 years at meso and micro level). The aim of monitoring the change is to identify the patterns in the landscape transformation at different scales with the aim of preserving the valuable  landscape features, such as olives.

Since millennial-age Lun olive grove is insufficiently researched, the proposed research has also a potential from the archaeological point of view.