In the last decades flooding frequency has increased along the Adriatic coasts and is expected to further do so in the next 50 to 100 years. This is a tangible effect of climate change that local communities experience. STREAM thus aims to reduce human and socio-economic losses in case of flood hazards, by improving flood risk management of local authorities and emergency services with a cross-border approach. Partners will work together to develop risk monitoring tools and early warning procedures, with a combined bottom-up and top-down approach. Data sharing, exchange of practices and capacity building schemes will bring additional know-know to stakeholders in the project area.
Particularly, STREAM will set up a flood cadastre, flood risk maps, and a flood risk management plan. Another key element will be reaching the largest possible audience. To do so authorities will organize workshops, info-days and events, to improve the citizen's readiness and rescue operations in case of floodings. In fact raising their awareness in order to adopt correct behaviours is essential to minimize losses. Once they are achieved, STREAM results can be transferred and put into practice in other costal regions facing similar problems.